Saturday, February 28, 2015

Holy Shit, This Weight Loss Supplement Has Prozac In It

The FDA just issued a warning not to use the weight-loss supplement Oxy ELITE Pro Super Thermogenic — because it contains fluoxetine, also known as Prozac. Not a drug humans should be taking unaware, and one that can cause serious side effects, including suicidal thoughts and seizures.


These Tiny Satellites Just Left The International Space Station

A pair of nanosatellites were deployed by the NanoRacks Launcher on the end of the Japanese robotic arm of the International Space Station on Friday. The tiny CubeSats are loaded with tools to observe the planet and conduct other scientific experiments.


A Quantum Computer Isn't Nearly As Glamorous As It Sounds

You'd think quantum computers exist in heavily-guarded labs, with many men in white suits manning control stations filled with unfathomable screens and charts. Actually, they exist in a small cupboard in England's West Country.


You Can't Burn Yourself With This Teapot

Someone at OSHA probably has a terrifying stat about the number of workplace injuries caused by teapots. But if everyone rushes out and buys this gorgeous glass hot beverage receptacle, we can do something about this critical national issue.


The U.S. Doesn't Like It When China Wants To Build Encryption Backdoors

The NSA and U.S. tech giants have come to blows over government backdoors in encryption products lately, with the government arguing that backdoors are vital to national security, and the likes of Yahoo claiming it will make encryption pointless. Well, it looks the party line on backdoors changes pretty sharpish when China is involved.


The ISS Has The Only Leonard Nimoy Tribute That Matters

Since Leonard Nimoy passed away yesterday, tributes have been pouring in from around the we b. But this one, posted without comment from NASA astronaut Terry Virts aboard the ISS, is probably the most touching. LLAP.


Adam Savage's Replica Hedge Maze From The Shining Is Scarily Accurate

When Mythbusters' Adam Savage isn't, uh, busting myths, he spends his time crafting amazing replicas of movie props, among other hobbies. This time around it's the hedge maze from Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, prompted by Savage's disappointment in what should have been the "official" version.


These R/C Cars Drift So Much Better Than You Ever Will

Drifting R/C cars isn't a completely new pasttime, but there's still something magical about watching a trio of R/C cars go flying off a jump — sideways. It's everything you ever wasted your childhood trying to achieve, but done by grown-ups with far more skill.


A Tiny Modular Housing System For Cities Where Real Housing Is Too Expensive To Afford

Will San Francisco become a city only for the rich? The goal of these parking space-sized units is to stop that from happening.

Many cities face a real challenge to remain affordable in the future. They've become so attractive as places to live and invest that they no longer offer basic, decent housing for normal people, and increasingly look like preserves of the wealthy and privileged. If trends continue, somewhere like San Francisco may end up like Zurich or Geneva—a rich man's playground, not the multidimensional place it should be.

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The Craziest Designs For London's Newest Pedestrian Bridge

The great city of London currently has something of a fascination with pedestrian bridges to span the waterway that bisects the city. The latest project is for a bridge that will connect Nine Elms to Pimlico in the Borough of Wandsworth. Currently, 87 proposals have been submitted: here are the craziest.


Thanks For the Net Neutrality, Oligarchs

"Net neutrality" will be the law of the land following the Federal Communications Commission's vote to reclassify broadband Internet services as public utilities. Please take some time this week to thank the outspoken citizens who made this possible. These heroes of the open Internet are regular folk, just like you and me, with names like Microsoft, eBay, Facebook, Google and Amazon. Congrats to a major industry on its lobbying victory!


I Never Realized I Need A Bluetooth Wallet

When a new Kickstarter launches for an everyday item with (Bluetooth/NFC/WiFi/solar panels/CNC'd aluminium unibody — delete as appropriate) capabilities on board, I'm normally first in the line of jeering sceptics. But a wallet with built-in Bluetooth actually makes a lot of sense. Pass the Kool-Aid, please.


Love the skin you're in: 9 uplifting body-positive blogs


Among the fashion, entertainment and media industries, body-shaming and impossible beauty standards are exceedingly commonplace. But bloggers are fighting back.

Using platforms like Tumblr, an important intersection for young people and issues of social justice, bloggers are changing the conversation and showing it's possible to love the skin you're in.

From the inclusive Stop Hating Your Body Tumblr, which promotes self-love among all people, to PsychCentral's body image blog, Weightless, these nine blogs are worth your attention.

Certain images or content within these blogs may be triggering or NSFW; be sure to check Tumblr tags before you scroll. Read more...

More about Blogs, Social Media, Tumblr, Features, and Social Good

Friday, February 27, 2015

This Tiny Toolbox Transforms Into an Entire Woodshop

Who hasn't stumbled across an episode of This Old House or New Yankee Workshop on a lazy Saturday afternoon and dreamed of being as skilled a woodworker as Norm Abram?


See Taylor Swift Remixed With Famous Works Of Art

Artist Eisen Bernard Bernardo had a blank space for his next project—and he wrote Tay's name.

Following the success of his "Mag+Art" project—a series of magazine covers seamlessly blended with classic works of art—Philippines-based artist Eisen Bernard Bernardo received a request to tackle album covers next. The challenge was accepted in the form of "Album+Art Tribute to Taylor Swift."

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Reagan's Star Wars Missile Program Had Its Own Video Game

Remember President Ronald Reagan's plan for space weapons in the 1980s? Today, it's little more than a punchline, but it used to be serious business. How serious? Video game serious. Yes, there really was an SDI video game, and thanks to the Internet Archive you can even play it.


Google backpedals on its Blogger porn ban just 3 days later


Days after announcing that it would begin cracking down on sexually explicit content on its Blogger platform, Google has reversed its decision

The changes, which would have forbid public access to sexually explicit blogs, were slated to go into effect next month. But the policy change generated substantial backlash. Major criticisms pointed out that some users had been posting non-commercial pornographic content for years; to many, the move seemed too sweeping and random

Google posted on its product forum on Friday:

Hello everyone,

This week, we announced a change to Blogger’s porn policy. We’ve had a ton of feedback, in particular about the introduction of a retroactive change (some people have had accounts for 10+ years), but also about the negative impact on individuals who post sexually explicit content to express their identities. So rather than implement this change, we’ve decided to step up enforcement around our existing policy prohibiting commercial porn.

Blog owners should continue to mark any blogs containing sexually explicit content as “adult” so that they can be placed behind an “adult content” warning page. Read more...

More about Google, Social Media, Sex, Pornography, and Tech

Google's Crazy New Campus Will Be Covered In Giant Canopied Domes

Apple is building a spaceship. Nvidia will work inside alien polygons . Amazon has its orbs . Soon, Google might have an crazy new headquarters of its own: A series of giant, transparent canopied buildings filled with open spaces for Googlers to congregate.


The Latest Fukushima Leak Was Unreported for Almost a Year

More reports, more mystery leaks, more questions about the complexity of cleaning up a broken nuclear plant.


PayPal Canceled Mega's Account Because of Encryption (But Really Piracy)

Mega is one of the only cloud storage services that offers end-to-end encryption, a great feature for people who value security. However, after political pressure from MPAA-affiliated goons, PayPal recently decided to stop providing payment services to Mega. What gives?


15 ways you're probably misusing social media


Facebook was founded in 2004, Twitter in 2006. Even Instagram's been around for almost five years. So you can't say this stuff is new anymore.

For some strange reason, however, more marketers and brands than not are still struggling to make heads or tails of social media. Whether they're surprisingly misinformed or just plain lost, they're wasting their time and missing the boat. They're failing to take advantage of what may just be the biggest revolution in communications since the printing press.

To say that's unfortunate would be an understatement.

After all, done right, social media marketing can be a big game changer. It can be an incredibly effective way to attract the attention of your target audience, engage with them, and curry their favor. Far too many go into it without doing their homework, though, their false assumptions and inexperience undermining any chance they have for a successful social media program. Read more...

More about Social Media, Business, and Marketing

Egypt Plans To Build A 650-Foot-Tall Pyramid Skyscraper

It would be the country's tallest building.

Cairo may be getting a new skyscraper inspired by Egypt's oldest architecture. The Zayed Crystal Spark project, announced by the country's housing minister earlier this week, is shaped like a tall, skinny pyramid on top of a broader, shorter pyramid. The 200-meter-tall (650 feet) tower will be Egypt's tallest building to date. The proposed 8.5-million-square-foot development is a mix of government, commercial, and entertainment space, and will be constructed through a public/private partnership.

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