Monday, February 23, 2015

Finally, An App That Lets You "Play Off" Rambling Coworkers Like Oscar Acceptance Speeches

You know that music cue when Oscar winners thank way too many people? Now you can use it to make speeches and presentations more efficient.

There is no graceful way to tell someone to stop talking in most situations. Award shows, however, do not have that problem. When that wrap-it-up overture starts swelling while you're still on stage, it means it's time to thank your mom and your spouse and call it a night. And it works, too. Even the most heroically defiant speech-maker at this year's Oscars, Best Foreign Language Film director Pawel Pawlikowski, only lasted 45 seconds after the music started (though it seemed more like a half-hour.) If only there was a way to harness this powerful efficiency tool into your social and professional life! Whoops, there already is.

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