Thursday, July 21, 2016

What Does Peter Thiel Want?

Tonight, in Cleveland, Silicon Valley billionaire, Facebook board member, and Donald Trump delegate Peter Thiel will address thousands of party members and journalists at the Republican National Convention. Although he has never concealed his own fringe political views-such as his contention that human freedom and representative democracy are incompatible-Thiel's open embrace of Trump has inspired some soul-searching in the proudly progressive technology sector. Among that crowd, he's typically considered a brilliant if mercurial oracle, while the broader public has, for the most part, treated Thiel with confusion and fascination, most recently over his years-long covert campaign to bankrupt Gawker Media.
Thiel, who has styled himself as a deep, innovative, and strategic thinker about the big questions facing the world, will, tonight, have the biggest audience he has ever had. So what is he going to ask for?


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